What a disappointment XF2 was. I'm just going to lay it out there, it sucked balls. Chris Carter had 10 freaking years to perfect that movie and it looks like something they slapped together the week before they started shooting. Ugh. No more talk of things that disappoint me. (We could be here all night)
My mini vacation was life changing. Izzard opened my eyes to the fundamental belief we should all have- each other. After a drink, some swag, and a few hours of laughter, I left the Orpheum a little more knowledgeable and a little less likely to go to church. If we can't believe in the goodness of ourselves then we really are screwed.
My horse ride was wonderful. Three days later and I am still sore, my right arm is a lovely shade of red from the severe sunburn that I got (but at least the swelling went down), and I want a horse of my own even more than ever. Bella (pronounced with a -ya not -la) gave me something I forgot I had - a belief in me. You might be able to fool your coworkers into thinking you know best, even when you doubt it yourself. You might be able to fool your family into thinking you have everything under control, even though you feel like your spinning out of control. You might even be able to fool yourself into thinking you are "ok", "alright", "I know what I'm doing", but you will never be able to fool a horse. Take a long hard pause before you jump on the back of that animal, that beautiful creature can read you better than you can read yourself. Horse therapy should be a requirement for all psychological treatment. Skip the shrink and the couch, head over to your local cowboy/horse healer/robert redford and ask for a lesson. It will save you thousands and thousand of dollars in medical bills....although you will probably start up a hefty bill with the local feed store/veterinarian/stable when you decide you want your very own.
I've been doubting myself lately and thanks to Bella, Izzard, and someone I once loved, I've gotten a little piece of me back. I don't know where exactly I am headed, but at least I have started moving.
I just read your comment on my blog. I started thinking when will Darcy have a blog of her own? Or maybe she already has one.
And you do!!!!
What was the X-Files about? I didn't really have any interest in seeing it.
I liked the series, but I'm over it.
I haven't rode a horse in SO long.
After I saw your blog I was motivated to start one of my own. I try really hard to write everyday but it just hasn't been happening lately.
So the movie was basically a mediocre midseason episode stretched into 2 a hour time period with a whole lotta Mulder Scully Relationship Angstiness. They are pretty much living together and Scully begins to question her faith in God and Mulder. It was ok, it just could have been better.
I have to admit that I blogstalk you Dina. Its usually the second thing I read when I get up. First is a Mcleods Daughters fansite, then your blog, then cnn.
I love being blog-stalked.
Thank you!!!!
I'm tired of the Mulder-Scully thing.
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